Sunday, May 8, 2011

A Story Between J and J (:

The moonlight shone through his opened bedroom window. It was another one of those sleepless nights, as he sat on his bed, staring at their photo that he held in his hands. He wondered “what would she be doing right now?” secretly he missed her more than anything. She was his angel, who would always be there to brighten every single day of his life but he’d never knew that one day they’d be so far apart in distance.

It seemed like yesterday, when she was just sitting beside him in music class where they first met. They were both in the same college and it was their freshman year. He was a chubby kid where as she was a smart and pretty girl, even though he had sat next to her for a couple of months, he was too shy with girls and didn’t manage to start much conversation with her but things started to change upon the first text he received from her.

Ever since that magical text, things have never been the same. He began to chat with her and they became very close in the next few months. As he began to understand her more, he began to grow on her; his heart began to beat faster every time he saw her and her touch would send shivers down his spine. Before he knew it, he had fallen head over heels for this girl and realized that he cared for her very much.

She was the only thing that he could think of during the day and the only thought that he fell asleep to. As time when on the feelings of affection between them continued to blossom. Another mystical text combined the two of them into one and his phone then became a part of his hand because all he would do was text with her.

Their loving relationship was filled with euphoric moments until one day he had to leave her side after their graduation from high school to further his studies in another country. Days before his departure he asked her “What’d you think will happen to us after I go over there?” She paused for a moment before answering “We’d still be together.” Relief rolled over him like a crushing wave. He didn't think it was ever possible but he truly loved her more than anything else in his life.

At the check-in counter of the airport, he glanced around to find couples cuddled together smiling to each other. His heart sank deeper and deeper into his chest, as his mind began to flood with memories of her smile, her touch, her cute laughter, her cuddles and her tickles. He wanted to see her for one last time before he departed but all he could see around him were unfamiliar faces. “Where was she right now?” he said to himself as loneliness shadowed his soul. Out of a suddenly he felt a pair of warm hands covering his eyes, the scent was so familiar to his senses. He gripped on to the soft smooth hands of his captor to find his angel standing before him. His world stopped and his mind went blank; shocked in disbelief.

It was dreams come through to see her standing before him. At that moment, he realized that he never wanted to leave this place that he called home, most importantly he didn’t want to leave her side. But leave it they must eventually and with that thought his elation plummeted instantly. "I've been so stupid," he said reprovingly."About what?" she asked innocently. He didn't stop to answer but held her tightly in his hands and tenderly kissed her sweet lips for one last time before he walked through the departure gates. He'd never felt like this before in his life, so in love, so totally wrapped up in a girl but now he had to leave her for a faraway place filled with strangers. How stupid was he?

It had been almost a month since he'd last seen her pretty face. Only a month, but he could still feel the misery of their distance still tugging at his heart. The longing to see her was suffocating. He felt it from the top of his head, which was pounding, to the tips of his toes, which yearned to run to her.

He looked out his opened window; the back yard was all covered with fallen autumn leaves. He was at home but she seemed so far. He never thought that not having her right now would hurt so much, but he knew every night that he missed her; he could just look up into the moon's light and know that the stars would be holding her tonight. He gave the photo a gentle kiss and laid it back on the table beside his bed before turning over to sleep.