Saturday, May 14, 2011

The Dawn of Kuala Terengganu

Streets of Malaysia.

Tell me people, what do you picture in your mind when people mention “Streets of Malaysia”? Generally, streets are all the same unless they mean something to you. In my case, when I think about this topic, it reminds me of Terengganu Street in Kuala Terengganu. It was 2 years ago when I was there to compete in the Chinese Orchestral Solo Competitions.

This shot was taken from the window of our apartment during one of the mornings.

At first glance, it looked like a pretty shabby street but after staying there for a few days, it turned out to be one of the most memorable places I’ve ever been to. I remember I was forced to wake up early in the morning on our last day because it was the last day of our trip and we were supposed to be heading back to Kuala Lumpur later that day. We weren’t supplied with breakfast that day and had to search for our own meal that morning, so we went along Terengganu Street, and on our way we found a morning market that was located nearby the apartments that we were staying in. Inside the market, we found many stalls that were selling green goods and meat products as well as food stalls which turned out to be where we had our breakfast.

The morning market in Terengganu Street is really much more different than the ones we have here in Kuala Lumpur. The market is really quiet during the wee hours of the morning compared to ours in the urban area. It really doesn't look like the normal markets we usually see in other places! The hawkers reach their stalls in the morning to prepare their stalls like any other market hawker there, but the difference is the way they do it. As we were walking around, I could see how neighbourly they were and that everyone helped each other out. Doesn’t it just make your heart feel warm when you see everyone working together with smiles on their faces? One step inside and you instantly feel calm and relieved because there aren't any foul-smells from fishes and other meat products, other than that, the ground isn't as dirty and wet as the markets in the urban areas, which is a real warm welcome.

The lifestyle of the people who live in Terengganu is so relaxed, enjoyable and harmonious. I actually envy them. I remembered meeting one of the neighbours in our apartment block. She was a mother of two, whom always had a great smile on her face. She’s a really friendly person and was always there to lend us a helping hand whenever we encountered problems in our apartment. Whenever we had an accident or the electricity wasn’t working properly, she would be at our doorstep with some cookies and a jar of milk for us to nibble on while her husband came to clear our problems.

The atmosphere in Terengganu Street is calm, friendly and peaceful. So don’t worry about feeling alone in these warm streets because everyone is welcomed to stay. It is a totally different experience and a memory to cherish. You will definitely feel like another person upon your return.