Saturday, May 14, 2011

Treasures in Streets

I’m pretty sure every Malaysian has been to Malacca at least once in their life and so have I. I went there during my primary years for an excursion.

Malacca is listed as one of the most famous historical cities in Malaysia and is pronounced “Melaka” in Malay by the locals. Malacca has lived through Malaysia’s history and is widely known for its historical buildings and monuments.

There are many historical buildings in Malacca like the Portuguese fort - A’Famosa and Jonker Walk, but one of the most popular monuments in Malacca is the Christ Church which is also called the Red House by locals because the building is blanketed under a coat of red paint. The monument is located near Jalan Laksamana and Jalan Gereja and is just half a kilometre walk from Mahkota Parade. Tourists often come from all corners of the world to visit the oldest functioning Protestant church in Malaysia – Christ Church.

When I first heard about this place, I imagined the streets around Christ Church to be beautiful and unique just like what they showed on television; streets filled with people walking about as birds flew happily above their heads while musicians played their melodious music into the people’s hearts. It seemed all too good to be true.

The streets around Christ Church have been around ever since the Portuguese empire. Isn’t that amazing! That actually means that these streets that we see right now, weren’t always paved with stone bricks but in a distance time might have just been a lonely dirt road. The streets would’ve been much more peaceful compared to today, as we have cars and lorry’s rolling about every day as to the olden days when cars didn’t even exist and people relied on animals to ferry them from place to place. Just picturing the life of the people who used to walk these streets just reminds me of how much our life standards have improved since then.

The streets around Christ Church today are filled with trishaws and hawkers. It’s a funny fact but even though we’ve got cars now, some of the locals still prefer the use of traditional transport like bicycles and trishaws. I guess something’s never change. As the economy around Christ Church has changed, modern trishaw drivers have also adapted themselves to operate as tour guides for tourists where they take tourists on a round trip around Malacca City or just around Christ Church. On the other hand, the streets are lined with souvenir shops and hawker stalls that sell a variety of goods from flowers to jewellery and toys. The products sold by these hawkers are mostly handmade, which in turn allows them to express their creativity while earning a living.

The streets around this place are always filled with life; people taking pictures, hawkers selling their goods and even trishaws honking to attract attention of the onlookers. These streets have made Malaysians proud to be Malaysian and lead foreigners to always be envied of our authentic heritage.

The Dawn of Kuala Terengganu

Streets of Malaysia.

Tell me people, what do you picture in your mind when people mention “Streets of Malaysia”? Generally, streets are all the same unless they mean something to you. In my case, when I think about this topic, it reminds me of Terengganu Street in Kuala Terengganu. It was 2 years ago when I was there to compete in the Chinese Orchestral Solo Competitions.

This shot was taken from the window of our apartment during one of the mornings.

At first glance, it looked like a pretty shabby street but after staying there for a few days, it turned out to be one of the most memorable places I’ve ever been to. I remember I was forced to wake up early in the morning on our last day because it was the last day of our trip and we were supposed to be heading back to Kuala Lumpur later that day. We weren’t supplied with breakfast that day and had to search for our own meal that morning, so we went along Terengganu Street, and on our way we found a morning market that was located nearby the apartments that we were staying in. Inside the market, we found many stalls that were selling green goods and meat products as well as food stalls which turned out to be where we had our breakfast.

The morning market in Terengganu Street is really much more different than the ones we have here in Kuala Lumpur. The market is really quiet during the wee hours of the morning compared to ours in the urban area. It really doesn't look like the normal markets we usually see in other places! The hawkers reach their stalls in the morning to prepare their stalls like any other market hawker there, but the difference is the way they do it. As we were walking around, I could see how neighbourly they were and that everyone helped each other out. Doesn’t it just make your heart feel warm when you see everyone working together with smiles on their faces? One step inside and you instantly feel calm and relieved because there aren't any foul-smells from fishes and other meat products, other than that, the ground isn't as dirty and wet as the markets in the urban areas, which is a real warm welcome.

The lifestyle of the people who live in Terengganu is so relaxed, enjoyable and harmonious. I actually envy them. I remembered meeting one of the neighbours in our apartment block. She was a mother of two, whom always had a great smile on her face. She’s a really friendly person and was always there to lend us a helping hand whenever we encountered problems in our apartment. Whenever we had an accident or the electricity wasn’t working properly, she would be at our doorstep with some cookies and a jar of milk for us to nibble on while her husband came to clear our problems.

The atmosphere in Terengganu Street is calm, friendly and peaceful. So don’t worry about feeling alone in these warm streets because everyone is welcomed to stay. It is a totally different experience and a memory to cherish. You will definitely feel like another person upon your return.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

A Story Between J and J (:

The moonlight shone through his opened bedroom window. It was another one of those sleepless nights, as he sat on his bed, staring at their photo that he held in his hands. He wondered “what would she be doing right now?” secretly he missed her more than anything. She was his angel, who would always be there to brighten every single day of his life but he’d never knew that one day they’d be so far apart in distance.

It seemed like yesterday, when she was just sitting beside him in music class where they first met. They were both in the same college and it was their freshman year. He was a chubby kid where as she was a smart and pretty girl, even though he had sat next to her for a couple of months, he was too shy with girls and didn’t manage to start much conversation with her but things started to change upon the first text he received from her.

Ever since that magical text, things have never been the same. He began to chat with her and they became very close in the next few months. As he began to understand her more, he began to grow on her; his heart began to beat faster every time he saw her and her touch would send shivers down his spine. Before he knew it, he had fallen head over heels for this girl and realized that he cared for her very much.

She was the only thing that he could think of during the day and the only thought that he fell asleep to. As time when on the feelings of affection between them continued to blossom. Another mystical text combined the two of them into one and his phone then became a part of his hand because all he would do was text with her.

Their loving relationship was filled with euphoric moments until one day he had to leave her side after their graduation from high school to further his studies in another country. Days before his departure he asked her “What’d you think will happen to us after I go over there?” She paused for a moment before answering “We’d still be together.” Relief rolled over him like a crushing wave. He didn't think it was ever possible but he truly loved her more than anything else in his life.

At the check-in counter of the airport, he glanced around to find couples cuddled together smiling to each other. His heart sank deeper and deeper into his chest, as his mind began to flood with memories of her smile, her touch, her cute laughter, her cuddles and her tickles. He wanted to see her for one last time before he departed but all he could see around him were unfamiliar faces. “Where was she right now?” he said to himself as loneliness shadowed his soul. Out of a suddenly he felt a pair of warm hands covering his eyes, the scent was so familiar to his senses. He gripped on to the soft smooth hands of his captor to find his angel standing before him. His world stopped and his mind went blank; shocked in disbelief.

It was dreams come through to see her standing before him. At that moment, he realized that he never wanted to leave this place that he called home, most importantly he didn’t want to leave her side. But leave it they must eventually and with that thought his elation plummeted instantly. "I've been so stupid," he said reprovingly."About what?" she asked innocently. He didn't stop to answer but held her tightly in his hands and tenderly kissed her sweet lips for one last time before he walked through the departure gates. He'd never felt like this before in his life, so in love, so totally wrapped up in a girl but now he had to leave her for a faraway place filled with strangers. How stupid was he?

It had been almost a month since he'd last seen her pretty face. Only a month, but he could still feel the misery of their distance still tugging at his heart. The longing to see her was suffocating. He felt it from the top of his head, which was pounding, to the tips of his toes, which yearned to run to her.

He looked out his opened window; the back yard was all covered with fallen autumn leaves. He was at home but she seemed so far. He never thought that not having her right now would hurt so much, but he knew every night that he missed her; he could just look up into the moon's light and know that the stars would be holding her tonight. He gave the photo a gentle kiss and laid it back on the table beside his bed before turning over to sleep.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

A Journey to Lhasa without an air ticket

I’ve been a part of the Chinese Orchestra since I was 13 years old, back when I was still in high school but no one believes that I can play Chinese instruments. Don't I look like a musician? I actually joined the Chinese Orchestra because my dad. He was a huge fan of oldies songs! At first, my dad wanted me to learn Erhu but I wasn't really interested in Erhu so I chose Yang Qin (which is also known as the Chinese Dulcimer) and Percussion. There are many instruments in the Chinese Orchestra such as Yang Qin, Erhu, Pipa, Zhong Ruan, Liu Qin, Shuo Na, Sheng, Di Zi and Percussion. I’ve joined the orchestra for 5 years straight and have also had the chance to participate in its anniversary music concert during my 5th year - it was my first and very last chance to participate in a music concert.

was preparing early in the morning

the opening ceremony

The theme of the anniversary music concert which was held in 2010 was “A Journey to Lhasa” which happened to be our orchestra’s 7th music concert. To prepare ourselves for this music concert, we’ve rehearsed for more than a year. Even though, we’ve encountered numerous problems throughout the preparation period, like arguments, we’ve still pulled through to offer the audience an unforgettable performance.

On 31st July 2010, all the performers were really excited, they were all smiling and laughing but I could see that they were as nervous as I was deep inside. I guess what really made me nervous was because of my solo role in the first song which was playing timpani that made butterflies in my stomach. I’m sure you guys have heard of a timpani right?

Well, here’s a short introduction to the theme (:
A Tour to Lhasa is a song written by a Guan Nai Zhong, a composer foreign to the land of Lhasa in Tibet. There are four movements to this piece : Potala Palace, Yarlung Zangbo River, Heavenly Burial and Beating Ghost. Guan Nai Zhong used the New Music approach to picture Lhasa, with clashing and opposing rhythms creating a fiery yet mysterious atmosphere. The theme of this song is conveyed in three of the movements, portraying the strongly inherited beliefs of the people in Lhasa.

The pilgrim makes his way towards Potala Palace with sincerity. How grand and godly the palace stood! Situated on the Mabu hill, the towers of the palace reflect the blue sky and its white, whisoy clouds. With every step the pilgrim takes, the magnificient palace grows larger. When a mysterious blare of a horm radiates from within the palace, the pilgrim's heart starts to fill with pleasure : he will soon be able to fulfill his pilgrimage!

Yarlong Zanbo river is the heartbeat of the Tibetan's life which originates from the melted snow of the Himalaya ranges. It started of in trickling streams, later expanding into a river which flows swiftly through lush green meadows. Yarlong Zanbo river flows far and wide, giving life to the grass of the meadows and brining comfort and nourishment to the hearts of the people.

The deceased is wrapped in a white cloth and sent halfway up a mountain, where the funeral parlour is. The mountain wind howls loudly, accompanied by the soft chanting of the Lhamas (high priests). A bald eagles soars past, circling the air above the funeral procession, eyeing the carcasses with its piercing glare. The eagles snatched and fought for the bones and meat of the carcass. It is the belief of the Tibetans, that when the carcass of a deceased had been completely feasted upon, the soul of the deceased rises, slowly into the air, high above the clouds.

Beating Ghost is an annual ritual performed by Lhamas at the end of the first lunar month. The Lhamas encircle the performing area in a dance with masks that represents the different gods, symbolizing the arrival of those gods to mingle among the people. The festive air is filled with songs of worship, mingled with the clatter and cheer of the people's merry-making. The downfall of the Devil marks the end of this ritual, whereby followers kneel to embrace peace and blessings.

part time in Gu Zheng *wink!*

During the performance, I felt so nervous but mysteriously everything seemed to click. I even began to feel a little proud of myself when I heard the applause roar from the crowd. After we had finish performing our 8 songs, the crowd even asked for an ENCORE! So we chose 2 additional songs for encore which is the illustrious song "Matsuri" by Kitaro and "A Man of Determination".
The music concert ended up with the 2 far-famed encores. It's was just spectacular.
The performers felt so blissful, that the stress just vanished after the music concert.
We used up more than one year to prepare for this music concert, but it only used up 2 to 3 hours to perform it. That night, I really felt proud to be a part of the orchestra.

group photo of all concert performing members

members of YangQin & Percussion

It was a memorable day on 31st July 2010 :D

Friday, April 29, 2011

Wear Your Own Skin, Let The Animals Keep Theirs!

What are animal rights? Animal rights are often denoted as animal liberation, a concept that all living creatures should be treated equally among each other, especially animals. Animal rights activists believe that no animal should be killed for food and clothing or even used as scientific experiments and entertainment.

Millenniums ago, our ancestors had to roam the vast land to hunt for prey in order to keep their families from starving. At that time, hunting wasn’t a choice, it was a need. Today the modern hunters don’t carry the burden of their family’s survival, but only the need of the amusement that it offers. These hunters aren’t worried about their children handling guns during their hunting trips, therefore the younger generations are unconsciously taught to completely disrespect the value of life by killing sinless animals. Hunters even spend billions of dollars each year on guns, ammunition, travel and other expenses, making hunting a very profitable industry.

Nowadays, there has even begun a trend of eating shark fins, monkey brains, dog’s meat, bear paws and a growing fetish of exotics animal skins and furs like tiger fur, leopard fur, crocodile skin and snake skin. For generations, the human race has slaughtered countless helpless animals, but why?

Tigers are the largest cat species in the world. They are known to be fierce and strong, so they generally have few enemies in the form of elephants, buffaloes, bears and the worst – humans. Poachers hunt tigers for their skin, fur, meat and bones. Till this day, they still continue to poison waterholes or set steel wire snares to kill tiger’s to accommodate the ever increasing requirement of these creatures parts in society. The masculinity and strength of tigers have brought us to question that it may be the connection between their physically attributes that have humans craving for them, as almost everything related to the tiger has been sold and held in high esteem and price, be it their claws, their fur or their teeth. To worsen the matter, merchants offer high prices to obtain these rare items which in turn motivate poachers to hunt down these innocent creatures. Furthermore humans have also destroyed their natural habitats by cutting down trees, polluting the atmosphere and hunting their prey like wild deer and wild boars, indirectly forcing tigers into starvation. Tigers are gradually becoming extinct and yet their body parts like their skins are still sought for by the fashion industry to be made into clothing. Do the tigers really deserve to die for our fashion fetish?

Sharks have wandered our dark seas for more than 420 million years and have now diversified into 440 species, ranging from the smallest dwarf lantern shark to the largest whale shark. Their surpassing skills as predators still fascinate and frighten humans, even though their survival is under serious threat from fishing and other human activities. Ever since ancient China, sharks have been hunted for their fins to be made into soups and traditional medicines. It is sad to say, that this practice is still exercised in our modern day society. Sharks are hunted in the deep sea and are finned on the spot. Sharks are finned alive and in numerous cases are thrown back into the sea, the finless sharks are then left to be devoured by undersea predators, or to suffocate to death as it is unable pass oxygen over its gills because they rely on all their fins to direct them through the water. Not all sharks are left to decay at the bottom of the ocean but this is a common practice by fishermen to maximize the storage space for shark fins and not shark meat, this is because a piece of shark meat is worth a fraction of the value of a shark fin; hence fishermen regard the fin as their first priority. Nonetheless, other parts of the shark are still very useful, for example, their blood has been used as an anticoagulant, their organs as fish feed, their flesh as fertilizer, their teeth as ornaments and ceremonial weapons, their liver for its oil, and their skin for shoe leather and hand grips. Shark fins have become such an obsession to humans that they’ve put sharks on the verge of extinction.

Animals are just like humans, would you hunt down a human being for its tooth? Then again, would you wear a human tooth around your neck as jewellery? The sane mind would see the damage humans are doing to these inculpable creatures. Exploiting animals that are endangered for our own profits is irresponsible and unfair to them. Rachel Carson once quoted, until we have the courage to recognize cruelty for what it is -whether the victim is human or animal -we cannot expect things to be much better in this world. We cannot have peace among men whose hearts delight in killing any living creature. By every act that glorifies or even tolerates such moronic delight in killing we set back the progress of humanity. So do your part in protecting animal rights.

References :

1. Vegan Peace Home, n.d., Hunting. Retrieved April 30, 2011, from

2. Kyla Hume, Kyle Kacsmarik, Neill Laidlaw, Megan Lutz, and Rebecca Singleton, n.d., Tigers. Retrieved April 30, 2011, from

3. Roy D'Silva, n.d., Endangered Tigers. Retrieved April 30, 2011, from

4. Wikipedia, n.d., Shark. Retrieved April 30, 2011, from

5., n.d., Shark Finning and Shark Fishing Photos Showing This Cruel Practice. Retrieved April 30, 2011 from

6. Bussy's California Surf Stickers, n.d. "FUR HURTS Sticker. Wear Your Own Skin.". Retrieved April 30, 2011, from,-fur-hurts-stickers,/Detail

7. Zazzle Inc, n.d. " Wear Your Own Skin Bumper Sticker ". Retrieved April 30, 2011, from

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Friends Not Food :x

Animal rights are a highly debated topic in our daily lives. With every chicken that we devour to fill our grumbling tummy is another life taken; is it “right” for us as humans to determine the fate of these animals? I personally believe that no one has the right to hold god’s power against anyone or anything and that every person chooses his own path, even animals. Sadly, not all animals are able to decide their own fate.

For centuries, dogs have been a loyal friend to mankind. From keeping us company at the loneliest hours, to guiding the blind across the road, they’ve made such a huge difference to our lives. Nowadays, dogs are cared and loved by humans very much, people are now willing to pay a great price and cater for expensive breeds just to show their affection to dogs. As much as dogs have been a friend to us, unfortunately they’ve also become
a part of our food supply. Ever since the days of war, we’ve been slaughtering man’s best friend for food to be served as stir-fried dog dishes, dog chops, grilled BBQ dog and even brewed as dog soup .

In China, people treat dog meat as a traditional delicacy which they tend to consume during winter to keep their bodies warm. There are two widely used techniques to butcher a dog. The one man technique was to hit the dog twice on the head with a wooden plank to sufficiently daze it to make it safe for him to plunge his knife into its jugular vein without getting bitten. He would then hold the dog up by the tail until it bled into unconsciousness - he would then proceed to butcher it with the dog coming in and out of consciousness. With the two
man technique, one man would hold the dog up by her tail while the other pulled the neck back with a wire round the dog's neck. The first man was then able to each down, again without fear of being bitten, to sever the jugular vein. Since the dog was in no way stunned, she would struggle, howl and urinate until passing out. The watching dogs would shake and howl. The dog would then be flung onto her back and the butchering would begin - consciousness returns when she's lying flat but she'd be too weak then to even struggle much.

Buddha once quoted “When a man has pity on all li
ving creatures then only is he noble. “ He tells us that we must care and love every living organism that we share our environment with. Dogs are a gift to mankind, they’ve given the blind sight, they’ve guided the lost back home and they’ve kept us safe while we sleep soundly in our warm beds. They’ve been through thick and thin with mankind and still stayed loyal to us no matter if we’ve beaten or tortured them. Have they ever complained and bailed on us at the time of need? Alas, we’re the one bailing on them when their brothers and sisters are butchered. Can’t you see, all we want is just justice!

References :

1. Ron Brackin, January 14, 2011, Where were you when the sky fell? . Retrieved April 30, 2011, from

2. American University, September 29, Animal Rights. Retrieved May 1, 2011, from

Saturday, April 23, 2011

My Journey, Best Place to go Part2 ! :D

Getting bored of normal tourist place in Guangzhou, China? Here's a place strongly recommended by I, Chime-Long. They are all belonging to Chime-Long groups in Guangzhou. It locates in Panyu, yin bin Road. It has Xiangjiang Safari Park, Chime-Long Night Zoo, Chime-Long International Circus, Chime-Long paradise and Crocodile Park.

Xiangjiang Safari Park, there are more than 400 species and 20000 heads of wild animals under large scale captive breeding. The official website states it is the biggest animal theme park in Asia and a " Heaven of Animals ". This is a place where you can feel the freshness and wildness of nature. There are over 70 heads of white tigers that makes it the largest white tiger breeding and exhibiting base in China. Do you know, white tigers are unique and they have a special spot in the hearts of the Chinese as an animal of rare fortune.

For those who are interested in zoos, Chime-Long, Guangzhou has the largest zoo in China, and it is amazing. Visiting the zoo will be an unforgettable moment in your lives since it allows you to see the wild animals directly without any iron barriers.

it's pretty hard to see a giraffe sitting casually in the field

The King. ROAR!

The Chime-Long International Circus was established in 2005, and claims to be the world's biggest circus. According to website reports, the current performance is entitled "The Forest Code". The show claims to show how to create a harmonious environment for humans and all the creatures of the world. When night falls, there's a world-class circus performance in all its glorious colors. It is the most breath-taking performance international circus in night zoo.

The Chime-Long hotel is an African colonial-style hotel with animal heads and animal parts adorning the walls. It is also the best theme hotel in China - " A Palace In the Forest" . A few of white tigers are even kept in the glass enclosure of the theme park hotel, adjoining the dining area for visitors' viewing and photography.

taken in front of the Chime-Long Hotel

Last, I went to Chime-Long paradise too! According to wikipedia its a major amusement park in Panyu District, Guangzhou, Guangdong, China. Opened on April 12, 2006, Chime-Long Paradise is the world top-level super large theme park created by Chime-Long Project with the investment of RMB 2 billion. The Tenth Ring Roller Coaster, which shares the record for most inversions with Colossus at Thorpe Park in Surrey, England. Stretching over 60 hectares, the park currently contains more than 60 attractions and has a daily capacity of 50,000 visitors. It recently built in a new rollercoaster that is nearly 61 m tall (200 ft) and reaches a maximum speed of 105 kilometres per hour (65 mph).

The top 10 attractions are 10 Inversion Roller Coaster, King of Roller Coaster - Dive Coaster, Superior Large Pendulum, Half Pipe, International Stunt Theater " Danger Island ", Flying Horse Roller Coaster For Family, Happy Amusement Park, 4D Cinema " Happy Feet ", Patrolling Travel of Flying Splash in Summer and North American Lumbering Burlesque Show.

the tenth ring roller coaster

lumbering show

" Danger Island "

Can you keep yourself away from such high-end theme park? :D It is really awesome, adorable and wonderful experience being there. Kids or adults will never get bored.


Wednesday, April 20, 2011

My Journey, Best Place to go Part1 ! (:

Have you guys ever been to Tanjung Sepat? It is a small town situated in Selangor, Malaysia. Tanjung Sepat is primarily a fishing village and is well known for its many famous seafood restaurants.

Tanjung Sepat is a really nice place for us to just relax and enjoy the scenery. I embarked on my little adventure on a glorious Saturday morning with 6 of my high school friends, Su Ann, Xiau Sheng, Chia Loon, Ho Meng, Chee Hou and not forgetting our driver for the trip - Yi Shuen!

Our first destination was the Steam Chinese Bun's Outlet, they are famous because of their salted vegetables bun and pork meat bun. At the Hai Yew Heng outlet in Tanjung Sepat, buns are so popular that a limit is imposed on customers so that every buyer gets to take some home. This steam chinese bun is Hainanese styled bun, which are large and flat and the fillings are still handmade.

After indulging ourselves with buns, we set off to one of Tanjung Sepat's famous coffee bean roasting factory. Did you know, it is said that Tanjung Sepat make the most tantalising aroma of roasted coffee beans? Joo Fa Trading is a family business owned by Mr Lim Seng Peng, who has been running the business for more than 50 years. This coffee maker roasts and sells coffee powder made from locally farmed coffee beans in the area, and specializes in black, diamond and the highly prized civet coffee bean, which made from civet cats have literally excreted.

the traditional coffee machines

the coffee seed

Next, Gano Farm. Have you ever heard of lingzhi? Lingzhi mushroom can be also called as reishi mushroom. It encompasses several fungal species of the genus Ganoderma and it has been used as a medicinal mushroom in traditional Chinese medicine. Compared to other kinds of mushrooms for consumption, lingzhi mushroom is much more expensive for its several medical properties that include preventing and treatment of cancer, hypertension, migraine and headache.

Last but not least, we went to one of the major tourists attractions of Tanjung Sepat - Lover's Bridge. As the name of the bridge implies, it is truly a romantic place to be with your lover. This bridge is actually made of cement in the first quarter, and it continues with old wooden platform further down. It reaches out to the sea and serves as a jetty for this fishery village. Sitting by the jetty, you'd be able to witness a splendid sunset as the water level around it is not too deep and there are few tree trunks to obscure the magnificent view. Lover Bridge is not only popular among couples to hang out, but also families and senior citizens too.

In the evening, we were all sitting by the beach enjoying each other’s company. The chilly evening breeze gently caressed my cheeks. The sun was beginning to set, I squinted into the distance and all I could see was the orange-red sun shining its last glimmer at us, slowly disappearing from view, everything seemed so perfect, simply breathtaking.

By evening, there's no more beaches to walk and the scenery was still breathtaking.